Dec 19, 2011

Almost christmas! Casi navidad!!!

It has been very busy lately, I have not had the time to sit down and write on my blog and I have so many things to share. I've done some stuff for my Etsy shop, and although I haven't sold anything yet, I keep on working. I've been working on my quilt from V&A museum Patchwork pattern maker... I wanted it to be a christmas present but I went shopping because with the architectural project and all I didn't have the time to have it finished by Christmas.

I've also been busy wrapping Christmas presents. That was so much fun, so here's what came out with a tight budget for wrapping.. after all you want to spend your money on what is inside right?
I've also been cooking a lot lately and I want to post the recipes for this 2 dishes that came out really good:
Soon I will post this recipes. Have fun and enjoy your Christmas eve with the family and friends that you love the most.

Dec 9, 2011


So my client decided not to go thru all the process and he picked the option that I liked least. as always happens as an Architect you must engage to your costumer and give him what he wants without messing up the project too much.. so here is the option he liked better and the facade ...
I will finish this weekend so that gives me freedom again and back to quilting and crafting :)
Aqui esta la opción qu escogió mi cliente, y con esto termina su proyecto... ahora si de regreso a las manualidades y el patchwork!

Dec 6, 2011

architect at work!

Hey everyone this is something I'm working on recently, is a project that will be located in Guatemala :)
Hola esto es en lo que estoy trabajando por ahora, estará ubicado en Guatemala :P

Nov 26, 2011


Last Wednesday it was my turn to make lunch at the house, so I decided to make a very common mexican dish, it is called tinga. I thought about sharing the recipe with you since I received a comment from an admired blogger from India! So I thought this recipe might give everyone a closer idea of mexican food.
you will need:
2 tomatoes
1 boiled chicken breast
1/4 onion
2 potatoes /diced
1 cup of green peas
1 chile chipotle
2 pieces of garlic
10 to 15 olives 
salt pepper and oil

first you want to stir frie your onions
there you can add some salt and pepper and the garlic, meanwhile you cut the tomatoes in big chunks and place them on the mixer with 2/4 cup of water, half teaspoon of salt, half of an chipotle pepper and the onions and garlic you just fried. You can find the chipotle peppers in the Hispanic foods isle,they usually look like this:
you only want to use a little bit because they can be very spicy.
 the chicken breast must be shredded, and it tastes better if you make it boil with onions, salt, garlic and some black pepper.

the ingredients must be stir fried as shown and mix the tomato sauce at the end.
Let it cook for about 10 minutes.
once its finished just serve, you can side it with some rice and eat it with some corn tortillas, tortilla chips or tostadas topped with sour cream and some grated cheese.


Nov 23, 2011

Hey there! Hola chic@s!

últimamente no he publicado mucho porque andaba pensando que regalarle a mi novio de navidad, y ya lo decidí y quería poner aqui por que el nunca entra a mi blog... sin embargo, ayer me dijo ay mira que bonito tu blog... y yo así! UFFF que bueno que no puse nada de su regalo, también he subido nuevos productos a mi tienda Etsy, aquí unas fotos de los nuevos productos:

My sister Faby was a great model for my etsy shop!!! I think this necklace looks perfect on her, her skin color is just beautiful. She loves tanning under the sun. I also uploaded  my double fabric coinpurse. And my crochet hearts :)

I ave also been working on a crochet headband for my sister and me, we go running, I should say she goes running and I go fast walking very early in the mornings, and we need to cover our ears! she chose the most pretty and cozy white baby yarn.

Nov 13, 2011

Trying to start out my own Etsy store

Desde hace ya mucho tiempo he querido abrir mi tienda en Etsy, pero por una o por otra razón no he podido. Ahora le estoy dedicando más tiempo a ese proyecto y estoy haciendo varios productos para vender. Podrán encontrar lo que hago de joyería, animalitos de tela, tejidos, patchwork y quilts, y lo que vaya haciendo en el camino.

Since last year I've been wanting to open my etsy store, but for one thing or another I've been too busy to do it. Finally I am trying to dedicate time to it and start making things to sell.
I've been working on several projects, there will be of course my Jewellery, some stuffed creatures, crochet, probably doll quilts, gift tags for Xmas and things that I make along the way.

So far this is what I got. My favorite is Mr. octopus.
I also like these little crochet hearts, they can be very useful for different things.

Hasta ahora estas son las cosas que llevo, me falta hacer mas joyeria, tomar muchas fotos, arreglarlas y subirlas a Etsy!!!

Making some jewelery/ Haciendo unas piezas.

I used to have a Jewellery bussines with an old friend back in college, and I have been trying to take it back since I finished my Masters because I really enjoy designing and making new stuff. And some money out of it wouldn't be so bad now that I'm out of work, so  I decided to open my Etsy store for which I have to make lots of pretty things to sell.
Also I had to make something special for a very dear friend's Birthday, so I decided to make a pair of earrings for my store and a necklace for my friend.
 And this is the final result!
I have proposed to myself make more products to upload them all to my etsy store, I will be telling y'all when its ready!

Nov 4, 2011

My heart/ mi corazoncito alfireteado

Finally working on my quilt! trabajando en mi quilt, por fín!!!

I've been wanting so badly to make a quilt since my aunt Tita showed me hers, so finally last year a put my hands in some awesome fabrics, helped by Chelsea, an American friend who actually gave me my first quilt tutorial, so we chose the fabric together, we picked the patterns from her book and she started me on cutting the fabric.

Tiene ya tiemo que he querido hacer un "quilt", desde que vi los que hacía mi tía Tita y me parecieron hermosos, me dije, yo quiero hacer algo asi!!! Por fin una amiga me enseño como, o me dio los tips básicos para hacer uno, me llevo ala tienda de telas, compramos el material y empeze a cortar la tela en pequeñas piezas. 
A bad things is that I lost the patterns and I got all my fabric cut in to pieces, so now I am just trying to put them together as I think it will look good, a good thing is that I will use my creativity to the full.
Lo malo es que perdí los patterns y ya con la tela cortada solo me queda tratar de acomodarlos a como yo vaya pensando qu se ven bien. Lo bueno es que es muy divertido ir viendo las diferentes posibilidades que se pueden crear.

Let me know what you think!


Oct 13, 2011

Créme Brulée...Heaven to my mouth! Una probada de Francia.

El lunes estaba sumamente aburrida, así que decidí salir del bosque para el lunch. Pedalié mi bici por 30 min. y llegue a Phil's market, es un lugar donde hacen comida de excelente calidad para llevar o comer ahí en trastes de unicel. Mi lunch estuvo deli:
This last monday I was a little bored at home by myself, so I decided to ride my bike for about 30 minutes and go to Phil's market, it's a little place in Hammond were you can find delicious food to go, this was my lunch:
Ahí también venden pescado para hacer, así que compre 2 cortes de atún para asarlos en la noche y sorprender a Eric con un delicioso postre: Créme Brulée!!!

There you can also find fish and meat to grill. So I bought two tuna fish steaks to surprise Eric witha tasty dinner and the perfect desert: Créme Brulée!!!

 Bueno... La receta de la créme brulée:
Para 3 o 4  si se quieren hacer más sólo se duplican los ingredientes.
2 tazas de crema chantilly
1 taza de azucar
6 yemas de huevo
1/2 cucharada de cardamomo
extracto de vainilla
1/2 taza de azucar morena
Precalentar el horno a 165C
Primero se baten las yemas con el azucar, se calienta  aparte la crema hasta que le salgan unas mini burbujas al rededor. despues se mezcla la crema caliente con las yemas y se añade el caradamomo y un poquito de extracto de vainilla, puede ser media cucharadita. El cardamomo y la vainilla se a˜ãden al gusto dependiendo el sabor que se deseé.
 Después de esto se necesitas 3 o 4 recipientes individuales, pueden ser de cerámica o de aluminio, lo importante es que se puedan meter al horno. Se sirven a la mitad o 3/4 pero no llenos. Estos recipientes se colocaran en un refractario donde quepan todos y se llena de agua caliente para que se horneen a baño maría.
Se meten al horno por 30 min o más, hasta que se pongan un poco cafesitos, muy poco. Recomiendo que pongan un timer por 35 min, y vean como estan, si es bnecesario dejarlos 15min más revisando cada 5 min.
Una vez listos, se dejan enfriar y se meten al refri por 3hrs, (pueden hacerse el dia anterior) justo antes de comer, se meten de nuevo al horno después de haber espolvoreado azúcar morena en cada uno, 1 o 2 cucharadas aprox en cada uno. Lo padre de esto es que puedes meter uno, dos o todos al horno, en la función broil, por uno o dos minutos para que se forme la capita dura de azucar :) 
Se sacan y liiistoo!!!!

And for the English speakers here is the recipe:
3 to 4 servings
2 1/2 cups of heavy cream
6 eggyolks
1 cup of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamom
Vanilla extract
1/2 cup brown sugar
Preheat the oven at 350
As you saw in the picture, you should follow the next steps: 1. mix egg yolks with sugar, 2. heat the heavy cream just until tiny bubbles form on the edge of the pan, 3. mix all that together add the cardamom and the vanilla extract.
Pour the mixture into ceramic containers and place them in a baking pan filled with hot water. Bake them for about 45 min.
When ready, refrigerate for at least three hours. When ready to eat pour brown sugar on top, about 2 teaspoons, and broil in the oben for 1 to 2 min until custard forms. Take out and Enjoy!!!
this one burned up a little bit but was still awesome!

comimos creeme brule de postre y de desayuno al día siguiente, van perfecto con vino blanco o con un buen espresso cortado. Espero que hagan la suya y la disfruten tantísimo como yo. Y les haga pensar en Francia.

 We ate Creme brulées for desert that night and for breakfast the morning after!!! they go well with white wine , and espresso coffee!
I hope you guys make your own and enjoy. A little taste from France.

Oct 11, 2011

Birthday weekend "nacida un 6 de octubre, celebrada el fin de semana"

Nací un 6 de Ocubre, y esta no es la única razón por la que Octubre es mi mes favorito. El Otoño cambia el color de los atardeceres y con esa luz naranjosa hace que las cosas se vean diferentes y más bonitas. Bueno, debido a mi cumpleaños Eric m ellevo a Greenwood, Mississippi.
Greenwood es un pueblito que surge en gran parte por la cosecha del algodón, es aquí donde estaban los más grandes plantíos de esta planta que fué también la razón por la que los esclavos negros fueron traídos de Africa a este país. En el sur de Estados Unidos se desarrollan varias ciudades que se encuentran en rios tributarios al rio Mississippi, y Greenwood es uno de estos pueblos donde el rio Tallahatchie y el Yalobusha se encuentran para formar el rio Yazoo. Es en 1844 cuando se funda la ciudad de Greenwood y crece económicamente por el algodón y la facilidad de transportarlo por río hacia New Orleans. Es un puerto importante para  Memphis TN, Vicksburg MS, St. Louis MI, y New Orleans LA.
 I was born on October 6th, and this is not the only reason why October is my favorite month of the year. Fall makes late afternoons more enjoyable. That orange light that we see this time of the year makes everything look prettier. This year my boyfriend took me to Greenwood to celebrate my Birthday. We spend the weekend in Jackson and Greenwood.
Por primera vez vi un campo de algodón. I saw a cotton field for the first time in my life.
On our way to GWD, we passed through Jackson MS. Where the film "The Help" takes place. We even went to Brent's!!! We had such an awesome time I just wanted to share some pictures with you and also show you some great project ideas.

De camino a Greemwood pasamos por Jackson, que es donde la película "The Help" toma lugar. Fuimos a la farmacia/cafetería donde las chicas de la película van a chismear, y bueno solo quería compartir esta fotos con ustedes de mi fin de semana de cumpleaños tan alegre que pasé!
También les dejo unas fotos de ideas de proyectos :)

Sep 29, 2011

making Mr. Octopus - Haciendo al Sr. Pulpo

Hola a todos,
Ya llevo un rato haciendo al Sr. Pulpo, y la verdad es que así hago con muchos proyectos. Empiezo, trabajo un rato en ellos, divago, y luego los retomo. El Sr. Pulpo nació de un pantalon de pijama que se me rompió, y en ese momento lo transformé en algo nuevo. Empeze a cortar las piezas y a unir con hilos de diferntes colores, la verdad buscaba algo rústico, y me parece que ahí va.

Hi everyone, I started to work on Mr. Octopus probably two months ago, and really it isn't that much of a job, but that is usually how I work on my projects I start, then stop for a while and then retake the project. Mr. Octopus was a PJ's pants before, unfortunately this cozy pants teared apart and now they're are something else, something even more special. I am going for a rustic looking stuffed octopus.
Para este proyecto solo fui cortando las piezas sin medir o trazar nada con anticipación, me gusta mucho improvisar lo único malo es que nunca podre hacer uno igual de nuevo porque no tengo moldes o medidas, pero por otro lado eso también es bueno porque será un pulpo único.
For this project I did not take any kind of measurements,  I don't think I even used a pencil for tracing it out. I love improvising, the only bad thing is that I will never make one exactly the same, which is sort of a good thing also because it will be a unique Mr. Octopus.

It is all hand made and a recycled product, so far it looks like this:
Todo está hecho a mano y es un protucto reciclado, hasta ahora se ve así:

En cuanto esté termnado se los presentare :) Estoy pensando en abrir mi tienda en Etsy y este sera uno de los primeros productos que pondré ahí. Nos vemos pronto!!!
I will upload a picture of it as soon as I finish it. I am thinking on opening my Etsy store, this will be one of the first products to sell. Well I'll keep working on it, and I wish y'all have a great and creative day!