Mar 29, 2012

And we tied the knot...Nos casamos al fin!

El 9 de marzo nos casamos!!!

Eric and I decided to get maried at Jackson Square in front of St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans, here I am ready to become the wife of the person I love!
Me ready!!! me encanta el color azul así que decidí que mis zapatos serían azules para el gran evento, mi hermana también escogió un vestido azul para este día se veía guapísima!
It was pretty but windy day we also had a little bit of rain.

Mi mamá y mi hermana/ My sister me and 

I love our faces in this picture eric's like what are you saying? My sister was reading a poem. 
Faby leyendo un poema de como debe ser el matrimonio.

Monica firmando

Eric signing!

And finally Mr. and Mrs. Stegall

Los corazoncitos azules solo salieron bien en esta foto.

 And here we are the complete family and friends, celebrating our union, after this ceremony we went to have a delightful lunch at Cafe Amelie.

And then we left in our carriage! Al final, después de comer, nos fuimos en una carroza jalada por un caballo, que bonito día!