May 12, 2012


Y ahora les presento la receta del flan...

Flan is a very traditional mexican desert kids and adults love this magnificent sweet dish, is in between creme brulee and caramel pudding. 

Carolina me dio la receta y yo la cambié por error pero quedo delicioso!
5 huevos
1 lata de leche evaporada
1 lata de la lechera *dulce de leche (he aqui el cambio)
1 taza de azucar para hacer caramelo.

Mezclar todo menos el azúcar, hacer caramelo, (calentar el azucar en una sarten hasta que se disuelva y se ponga color café) vaciar en molde el caramelo y después la mezcla de los huecos y las leches, tapar y cocer a banno maría hasta que cuaje... el mio tardo 1hr 30 min... pero si lo hacen en olla express tarda como 20 min. Metalo al refri por una noche y disfrute!

All you need is 
5 eggs
1 can of condensed milk la lechera *dulce de leche (you will find this one in the hispanic foods isle) it can be supplemented by condensed milk but dulce de leche is way much better
1 can of evaporated milk
1 cup of sugar
Mix all the ingredients except for the sugar, pour the sugar in a pan and heat until it melts and turns brown, pour very hot sugar in the recipient where you will boil your flan, then pour the other mix of ingredients, cover with aluminum foil and a rubber band.
Place the recipient in a bigger pan or casserole filled with water and let it cook for 1hr and 30min or till the mix has a jello texture. If its cooked in a pressure pot it will only take 20 min. Let it stand in the fridge overnight and enjoy!

This are the results:


Y aquí Eric disfrutando!
My husband having some flan!


  1. Gracias por compartir la receta, la probaré con unas visitas que tendré esta semana ;)
    y gracias por tu comentario en mi blog, ahora te sigo, saludos!

    1. De nada! Espero te guste, y a tus visitas también :)

  2. Delicious post!!!!


    1. :) I'll visit your blog, I love Fashion blogs!!!

  3. Hi! You left a comment with a question on my recent blog post (, but you're a no-reply-blogger (meaning blogger doesn't send me your email address to reply) - so here I am - I found you! :)

    You'd asked about how I design my quilts and I wanted to get back to you about it because it's been something I've been trying to work out myself. I design using freezer paper (sold in rolls) and drafting by hand with rulers. This isn't always the most accurate way. I have looked into some other design programs (as they sell some quilt specific ones) but I'm not sure that the ones on the market will do what I want them to do. I think a regular design program would be better. I can't afford any fancy programs right now but a friend of mine uses one for hers. Once I have this quilt finished she may help me computerize the pattern. I'd love to hear what you think of using Autocad. I have no experience with it. :)


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